Boquerones White Anchovies Retail Tray

  • USA Only: This item ships to US addresses only.
  • Perishable: To ensure this gourmet product arrives fresh, this item requires One-Day or Two-Day shipping.
Your Price $10.50
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Fresh white anchovies in oil from the Bay of Biscay. Perfect as tapas with no preparation needed, just serve and enjoy.
Size: 3.53oz/100g net, 24.83oz/80g drained
Origin: Galicia, Spain

After a short maturation time, the anchovies are rinsed in brine, rolled up inside cotton cloth, and centrifuged to remove any excess water before being packed in the finest Spanish oil and white wine vinegar. Try them drizzled with olive oil, or wrapped around a Spanish olive. Your guests will love them.
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