Pure Powdered Saffron Sachets

Your Price $8.45

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5 Sachets of the highest quality powdered saffron from La Mancha.
Size: 0.022oz/0.624g
Origin: Valencia, Spain

A true convenience, these individually sealed pouches preserve freshness of the saffron while providing a neat simplicity by having the saffron powdered and ready for use. Each foil lined packet contains enough saffron for most medium sized recipes (simply use 2 for larger paellas.)

This great product comes from Chiquilin, Valencia's premier culinary herb producer. We have personally visited the factory on several occasions and can attest to the purity and quality of this product. Generally, when purchasing pre-powdered saffron you must be cautious that the saffron is not "cut" with other spices to lower the manufacturers cost, but that is not the case with the products from Chiquilin. Their modern facility and strict quality control ensure that the herbs and spices are freshly picked, freshly dried, freshly packed, and freshly delivered to your kitchen.
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